123456…We All Know What This Means

It seems like there is a “day” for anything and everything you can think of. But today, World Password Day, may be the most inconspicuous yet important day that you may not have heard of. Kris Kozamchak explains the significance of the day and what actions you should take.

19_Password_DayDid you know that first Thursday in May of each year is World Password Day? Now why would we need a day to remind us to change our password and/or add additional authentication? It might be the fact that the most common password is “123456” and the second most common is “password.”

CLICK TO TWEET: Today is World Password Day. Will you change your password today? CommScope's Kris Kozamchak explains why you really should do this as soon as possible.

I wrote a previous blog talking about my son wanting a YouTube channel for his birthday. When we were setting up the channel, we had to create a password. He was going to use the same one that he uses at school for his homework that is connected to Google. He is already learning that everything is connected, which can be good or bad.

For example, when I set him up on his iPad, I used my account. He didn’t know that because we shared the same account, I could see his every text, Facetime or app that was downloaded. Good for me, bad for him if the app wasn’t something I approved or he was texting too late at night.

A study of Gen Z by CommScope reveals that there will continue to be an increase in devices and social media. But with this increase, things like changing passwords may get overlooked. I’m not sure this is of concern to Gen Z since two-thirds think the age of privacy is over and nothing you do online is private. However, we do need a day to remind us that a core piece of who we are, our identity, can be stolen very easily if we are not careful with our passwords.

So today, I will change a few of my passwords and keep my identity and data safe for a little longer. I’ll also take some gingko biloba to help my memory in case I forget all the new ones I create. Will you be making some changes today?