How CommScope’s Award-Winning Expertise Leads To Your Success

The IEC 1906 Award recognizes experts who have contributed in an exceptional way to the technical work of the IEC. Much of the work that goes on in various standards committees, alliances and vendor communities is often unseen by the end users of the resultant technologies and standards.

Congratulations to my colleague, Paul Kolesar, for being a recipient of one of this year’s prestigious 2011 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 1906 Award, which recognizes technical experts from around the globe who have contributed significantly to the work of IEC and the electrotechnical industry. This award was presented to Paul by the American Nationals Standards Institute (ANSI) on behalf of IEC.

For those unfamiliar with the IEC, it is one of three global organizations responsible for developing international standards for the world. The IEC 1906 Award itself recognizes experts who have contributed in an exceptional way to the technical work of the IEC. Paul was recognized by the IEC for his work and leadership in standardizing the laser-optimized fibers used in OM3 and OM4 cabling. Paul is one of 15 people in the United States to earn the award this year.

Much of the work that goes on in various standards committees, alliances and vendor communities is often unseen by the end users of the resultant technologies and standards. The “unseen” work is critical in vetting, aligning and coordinating all of the various technologies that will eventually be deployed for the benefit of customers. Without it, customers could find themselves with non-compliant solutions that not only pose a problem from a technical standpoint, but could end up being a costly economic loss as well.

So, how does work like Paul’s ultimately affect your company’s success?

CommScope has long been an active participant of leading standards committees and alliance organizations. Participating in these groups has allowed CommScope to develop solutions that drive benefits to our customers today while ensuring the same solutions are a sound investment for tomorrow.

So, as you begin to read and possibly consider new technologies such as Bend Insensitive Multimode Fiber, isn’t it nice to know that you have an award-winning expert looking at this for you?