Information technology is always in a state of fast development, and the continuous advancement of technology pushes constant disruptions of industry and business models, thereby leading to an impact on society.
In the information technology industry, there is a fresh vitality bringing new challenges that come along with it. CommScope is at the forefront of these changes while constantly working to best meet our customers’ needs. In order to survive in the market, enterprise-grade information and communications technology (ICT) providers must also possess key attributes of Internet Thinking: equality, openness and interactivity.
CommScope regularly conducts market research in different regions around the world. During a 2014 road show in China, CommScope surveyed many users, integrators and experts and the results showed that nearly half of the respondents were planning new IT projects and three-fourths of the respondents plan to implement the projects in 2015. Forty-two percent of the users chose structured cabling as the highest prioritized project, exceeding my expectations.
Additionally, modular data centers and indoor wireless solutions came in second and third place with 16 percent and 13 percent of the demands, respectively. The survey data also showed that, among all the respondents involved in data center and server room cabling, 40 percent of them have already used a new product of pre-terminated fiber optic cable.
According to the statistics, of the data center projects in which users are participating, 39 percent make up those with 1,000 information outlets or less, while those with 1,000 to 10,000 information outlets make up 47 percent. The projects involving 100,000 to 1,000,000 information outlets make up four percent. This means that the ICT movement has already started for small and medium-sized enterprises and the transition from old to new infrastructure in large and medium-sized enterprises is gradually moving forward.
This trend aligns with newer offerings such as CommScope’s iTRACS® data center infrastructure management, Redwood® intelligent sensor networks, and Data Center on Demand™ solutions that cater to the diverse needs of users trying to achieve the goal of flexible deployment.
If you have anything to add regarding Internet thinking, or have any questions about solutions for your organization’s data center projects, leave a comment below and I will be sure to respond.