One Cabinet, 5,000 Configurations

When a global MSO expanded its subscriber base, it ran into a host of architecture problems. All the rules and standards seems to vary around the globe. CommScope’s Vincent Garnier talks about what it took to make the process a whole lot more efficient.

Migration PathI was recently in a meeting with colleagues when we started reviewing schedules. Someone said they’d be “out of pocket” for a few days and immediately received a look of pity from my co-worker in China. What was meant as “unavailable” became “broke.” She was ready to hand over a wad of cash! We got a laugh out of it, but it taught us all a lesson that every-day sayings and phrases can have very different cultural meanings.

Now imagine you’re a growing global multiple-system operator (MSO), rapidly expanding your subscriber base in additional countries. The network architectures and even standards practices vary drastically around the globe. How would this organization be efficient, yet comply with all the different regulations?

The answer is simplicity AND flexibility. It’s easy to spend money on overhead and time spent on dealing with important but niche issues. Turns out, network standardization starts with cabinets that needed to accommodate coaxial and fiber cables, cable management, power and active equipment.

The project turned into a great success story, and the MSO was a happy customer. We’d love to tell you more in this case study. Learn what was done and how all the challenges were met head-on. And we’d love to hear about the challenges your global company has with its networks.

SEE ALSO: Innovation on a Paper Napkin