Technology With Integrity

Integrity must be instilled throughout the organization as the solution moves from concept through development, specification and testing, manufacturing, marketing, installation, and service life.

The Merriam Webster online dictionary defines integrity as “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility”. An alternative definition is provided as well “the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness”. If I were to say in a deep commercial voice, “Our infrastructure solutions preserve the integrity of your network and data”, that would be a statement of value. However, if I were to tell you that (or better yet show you) “our people behave with highest degree of integrity”, that would be a statement of values. While both meanings are applicable every day at CommScope, to me the latter is far more important. For if I don’t demonstrate personal and corporate integrity, the ability of our solutions to do anything is likely entirely immaterial.

Integrity must be instilled throughout the organization as the solution moves from concept through development, specification and testing, manufacturing, marketing, installation, and service life. Development Engineering (R&D) must effectively balance the needs of the customer and take appropriate steps to ensure a robust design that is cost-effective to produce, and protects the customer’s application. Internal specifications must be set that are achievable in manufacturing with high statistical capability. External specifications should be based on a rigorous and conservative testing methodology that reflects real-world installation environments. Marketing literature must state the facts and not seek to deceive by commission or omission. Design and installation should be done through solid partner organizations with well-trained trained staff. And finally, a warranty should be simple, straight-forward and comprehensive, holding the company to the promises made at the time of the sale.

Yes, somewhere along the line, someone must sell it – which may be entirely more difficult depending on how integrity influenced countless decisions on the solution’s way to market. When we “sell”, we must do so with integrity as well, promising only what we confidently know the solution will deliver over its lifetime. Far too often, I hear of people out in the market making misleading statements about what’s going on in the standards bodies, what CommScope solutions will or won’t do, who developed what first. I’m sure anyone reading this can relate to this situation and provide a clear example of when someone behaved without integrity – it happens far too often. And it is very tempting to respond in kind, either privately with customers or in public forums such as this. But that would not be demonstrating integrity.

The high ground is a difficult place to get to, and hard to defend, but the view is beautiful.