I love watching my kids grow up. I also love watching them learn about anything and everything. They are truly sponges, absorbing all the knowledge they come across. That’s why I always look forward to taking them to my office to learn about CommScope and the industries we serve.
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day was observed again this year at CommScope’s headquarters. It’s a great program run by our company’s Human Resources team. My daughters joined more than 80 other employees’ children to learn about various professions, including:
- Engineering
- Human resources
- IT
- Finance
- Legal
CLICK TO TWEET: What do kids think about connectivity and the future? CommScope's Joseph Depa asks a few of them.
Not only did they learn about some of the solutions we manufacture, but they also learned what it is like to work for a big company. I was glad to lead a session explaining Corporate Communications and Marketing. During my session, I asked the kids two questions:
- What does being connected mean to you?
- In 20 years, how will technology change the world?
I was interested to learn what some of the kids think about the industries we serve plus what they expect from CommScope and other technology companies, because this generation is “always on.”
I’m proud to present a little insight into the minds of our children and what they think. I believe you will find it both interesting and entertaining.