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  • Asia
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  • North America

Fiber Optic Cable, Indoor/Outdoor Zero Halogen, Dual listed, Central Tube All-Dielectric

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Product Variants

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Regional Availability Product Series Product Type Portfolio Cable Type Construction Type Jacket Color Total Fiber Count Fiber Type Environmental Space Jacket Marking EN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Fire Performance EN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Smoke Rating EN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Droplets Rating EN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Acidity Rating
760249712 | C-024-CN-8Z-M24BK/28G/093 760249712 | C-024-CN-8Z-M24BK/28G/093
Fiber indoor/outdoor cable, Gel-filled Central Tube, 24 fiber, Singlemode G.652.D and G.657.A1, Meters jacket marking, Black jacket color
Asia | Australia/New Zealand Z-CN Fiber indoor/outdoor cable CommScope® Central loose tube Non-armored Black 24 G.652.D and G.657.A1 | OS2 Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) Meters
760249713 | C-006-CN-5Y-M06BK/28G/093 760249713 | C-006-CN-5Y-M06BK/28G/093
Fiber indoor/outdoor cable, Gel-filled Central Tube, 6 fiber, Multimode OM3, Meters jacket marking, Black jacket color
Asia | Australia/New Zealand Z-CN Fiber indoor/outdoor cable CommScope® Central loose tube Non-armored Black 6 OM3 Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) Meters
760249714 | C-012-CN-5Y-M12BK/28G/093 760249714 | C-012-CN-5Y-M12BK/28G/093
Fiber indoor/outdoor cable, Gel-filled Central Tube, 12 fiber, Multimode OM3, Meters jacket marking, Black jacket color
Asia | Australia/New Zealand Z-CN Fiber indoor/outdoor cable CommScope® Central loose tube Non-armored Black 12 OM3 Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) Meters
760249715 | C-024-CN-5Y-M24BK/28G/093 760249715 | C-024-CN-5Y-M24BK/28G/093
Fiber indoor/outdoor cable, Gel-filled Central Tube, 24 fiber, Multimode OM3, Meters jacket marking, Black jacket color
Asia | Australia/New Zealand Z-CN Fiber indoor/outdoor cable CommScope® Central loose tube Non-armored Black 24 OM3 Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) Meters
760249716 | C-006-CN-5X-M06BK/28G/093 760249716 | C-006-CN-5X-M06BK/28G/093
Fiber indoor/outdoor cable, Gel-filled Central Tube, 6 fiber, Multimode OM4, Meters jacket marking, Black jacket color
Asia | Australia/New Zealand Z-CN Fiber indoor/outdoor cable CommScope® Central loose tube Non-armored Black 6 OM4 Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) Meters
760249717 | C-012-CN-5X-M12BK/28G/093 760249717 | C-012-CN-5X-M12BK/28G/093
Fiber indoor/outdoor cable, Gel-filled Central Tube, 12 fiber, Multimode OM4, Meters jacket marking, Black jacket color
Asia | Australia/New Zealand Z-CN Fiber indoor/outdoor cable CommScope® Central loose tube Non-armored Black 12 OM4 Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) Meters
760249718 | C-024-CN-5X-M24BK/28G/093 760249718 | C-024-CN-5X-M24BK/28G/093
Fiber indoor/outdoor cable, Gel-filled Central Tube, 24 fiber, Multimode OM4, Meters jacket marking, Black jacket color
Asia | Australia/New Zealand Z-CN Fiber indoor/outdoor cable CommScope® Central loose tube Non-armored Black 24 OM4 Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) Meters
760250108 | Z-864-CN-RR-F12BK/8G1/99L/200/C 760250108 | Z-864-CN-RR-F12BK/8G1/99L/200/C
Fiber indoor/outdoor cable, All-Dielectric, LSZH, Riser-Rated, Gel-Free, Central Tube Rollable Ribbon, 864 fiber, Singlemode G.657.A2/B2, Feet jacket marking, Black jacket color, Cca flame rating
Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin America | North America Z-CN Fiber indoor/outdoor cable CommScope® Ribbon central tube Non-armored Black 864 G.657.A2/B2 Aerial | lashed | Buried | Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) | Riser Feet Cca s1b d2 a1
Features and Benefits
  • Indoor/outdoor cables are tough enough for outdoor use while also being listed for indoor use
  • Superior mechanical and optical performance with unmatched stability and quality

Product Classification

Regional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin America | North America
Portfolio CommScope®
Product Type Fiber indoor/outdoor cable
Product Series Z-CN

General Specifications

Cable Type Ribbon central tube
Construction Type Non-armored
Subunit Type Gel-free

Ordering Tree

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Environmental Specifications

Environmental Space Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) | Riser

Product Classification

Regional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin America | North America
Portfolio CommScope®
Product Type Fiber indoor/outdoor cable
Product Series Z-CN

General Specifications

Cable Type Ribbon central tube
Construction Type Non-armored
Subunit Type Gel-free

Environmental Specifications

Environmental Space Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) | Riser
Click on image to enlarge.

Product Specification

Product Specification