SYSTIMAX sets the standard
Built on the science of innovation, our flagship line of copper and fiber structured cabling solutions has been meeting and beating industry standards—oftentimes before they’re even written.
From design and deployment to management and moves, adds and changes; SYSTIMAX delivers the performance, flexibility and reliability that no other solutions can match.
In addition, we also offer our SYSTIMAX Application Assurance—which includes design capabilities and performance guarantees to support your migration to higher-speed applications.
Discover SYSTIMAX and prepare to remain ahead of industry standards now—and well into the future.

Managing critical data center fiber connectivity with imVision
The Foundations of Enterprise Security
Protecting your facility from onsite attack requires a multi-layered security strategy. CommScope helps enterprise network and security teams lock down their facilities with innovative cabling solutions.
Brochure: InstaPATCH Cu Connectivity System
InstaPATCH Cu preterminated copper solutions are factory-connectorized, factory-tested, modular connectivity systems.
Brochure: imVision® Automated Infrastructure Management
imVision Automated Infrastructure Management: real-time visibility into the critical connectivity that drives your business—and the power to optimize it.
Case Study: Taiwan Mackay Hospital - Chinese
Following the success of this project, MacKay Memorial Hospital plans to deploy CommScope’s data center infrastructure cabling and management solutions at the remaining four campuses.
Case Study: MacKay Memorial Hospital
Following the success of this project, MacKay Memorial Hospital plans to deploy CommScope’s data center infrastructure cabling and management solutions at the remaining four campuses.
Application Guide: SYSTIMAX Application Assurance Design Guide
CommScope offers a suite of tools that simplify the design, deployment and ongoing expansion to support the high speed migration of fiber connectivity within data centers.